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A small Cotswold farm is the setting for a classic struggle of wills. Robert Worlock, eccentric and demanding, resolutely maintains the old ways, determined above all to make his son into a farmer fit to take over the family acres. His son, David, is equally determined not to be bullied into something he neither wants nor likes. His childhood becomes a battleground: can he find a way to make his father love him without denying his right to determine his own life?

it has been a depressing week in a fairly depressing month. The television screens are full of burly men in suits and red ties verbally abusing smaller men in military fatigues. and then I had this dream, in which President Putin demanded Alaska back, pointing out that the sale price to the USA in 1867 of $7.2 million was far too little, the place had always been intended to be part of Russian imperial sovereignty, and anyway he needed the minerals and rare earth. in my dream I think that I suggested to William Seward that we offer him Greenland instead, but I was told that this was already taken.

The other disturbing part of the week was the continued insistence from all quarters that AI was going to be the universal solvent of all problems, economic, social and climatical. And to listen to the news broadcasts one would believe that AI is the sole property of a group of billionaires who are going to use it as a new way to “monetise“ all of our needs and requirements. Yet in the UK, it did seem that the winter was receding at last, there was real evidence of the arrival of spring, and I want to use this blog to spread hopefulness and optimism, despite the pessimism and gendered by every other news bulletin.

So the hopeful theme of the last month and especially of the last week has been education. In my FutureScapes video interview series for Outsell I had the great pleasure of speaking to Professor Rose Luckin, now just retiring from the role of professor of learner centred design at the Institute of education and  University College London. One of the pioneers, Rose has, over 30 years, demonstrated the way in which intelligent machines, and more importantly, intelligently used  machines ,can support and enhance the learning process. One of the elements of the interview that I loved was her insistence that learning had to be hard. The object of the machine – quite contrary to what you would expect in the smartphone world of today – cannot be a way of reducing the struggle to accomplish a skill or overcome a body of knowledge and gain complete understanding of it. The intelligent machine at your elbow can make it easier, and we spoke at length about personalisation and the way that machines can learn how an individual best learns, and what are the appropriate resources to place in the way of a learner embarking upon the next steps in a learning journey. but facilitating learning  cannot involve removing the struggle: knowledge still needs to be hard  won.

I have a vision of a world in which the “teacher“ can step away from standing in front of 30 people front of different learning abilities and chalking things on a blackboard, and return to the roles of guru, guide and mentor, maximising individual time face-to-face with individual pupils throughout the learning week. While the politicians shouted about power and the importance of not being “disrespected“ (whatever that may mean) our infrastructure is metaphorically burning down. I learned this week that here in the UK 30% of pupils taking public  examinationss at 16 and 18 are supported by a private tutor. I will return to this below, but I am sure that this is emulated in Europe and the US and says to me that these self same politicians are entirely neglectful of our greatest natural resource – the brains of our people.

The tech industries are manifestly at the front of revolution change, emulating and far surpassing the web revolution of the early years of the century. This week I encountered a set of figures from IMPLAN that indicate that every job created in computer storage and equipment leads to the creation of 12.2 jobs in the supply chain that supports it in the USA. A job in motor manufacturing create 6.7 supply chain roles by comparison. In other words we are a society fully committed to interaction with and support from intelligent machines. Last week was the week when Estonia, one of the most advanced education systems in the world, mandated the integration of Chat GPT into the Estonian school curriculum by September 2025. In other words you have to know it and you have to use it.

A press release at the end of the week came as I learned about Medly AI. This refers back to the tutoring issues already mentioned. Two young men, both graduates from UCL, coincidentally, and both trained and now qualified as medical doctors, launched a start-up which has now received $1.7 million in initial funding.(Many congratulations are due as well to the UCL incubator,BaseKX– the Hatchery). Concentrating on the public examinations, Medly AI has created personalised tutoring systems that are  proving very effective in getting students qualified at higher grades. Kavi Shamra and Paul Jung should be congratulated . They charge their students £25 a month, or £240 a year. Human tutors can cost f £400-£500 a month. our society, in North America, as in Europe, depends entirely upon getting the best brains and using them effectively. The late developers, the difficult learners, the children characterised as  non-academic at age 11 – these are so often the best minds in society when they reach maturity. Medley AI. gives them a leg up.

Of course, personalisation is only at its very beginning. Imagine the world in which every toddler receives an intelligent learning machine in childhood which remains with them throughout their lives. A machine which learns the way in which the individual learns, the preferences and the pace. An intelligent machine which can feedback to the teacher in the classroom, while planning ways of lighting up the subject matter using content and techniques which most appeal to the individual learner. In this world, assessment is continual, and the individual gets the confidence of real lifelong learning – that new skills can be acquired at any time alongside new knowledge to cope with the ever changing requirements of living in our digitally designed and networked  world.

It has been a difficult few days. Midway through last week I was feeling a rising emotion of joyful exhilaration. Despite the sanctions, despite the US technological lead, despite the TikTok war, China was fighting back. and demonstrating a technological resilience which I had discussed last month in an Outsell interview with a Chinese AI researcher in Beijing.Surely just what was needed to counterbalance the sheer arrogance of the praetorian guard of tech billionaires flanking the US President?

The weekend was spent watching the feedback. As Nvidia plunged, my thoughts turned to events switch ignite recessions, and the fact that all of this was likely to impact investment, markets and pension funds – including mine. Elation turned to depression. I postponed the grocery delivery order by a day to wait out  events. With this new week dawning, Donald Trump interrupted his 24 hour newscast to say that  DeepSeek was “a good thing“. What is this? Am I agreeing with Donald Trump? My weekend sense of depression rapidly turned to despair as I scrabbled two read all I can find in the past 24 hours in order to try to restore my mental stability. What followers is the result!

DeepSeek does not seem to be a technological breakthrough. It appears to be an extremely clever piece of reverse engineering. It is the type of process which happens throughout all phases of technological change. And it appears to have happened in China before the Biden ban on high-tech chips really began to bite. High Flyer, the incubator parent of DeepSeek, is an investment company and would not have been one of the places where observers would have looked for a high-tech response to Silicon Valley. This part accounts for the shock. But we might have expected someone to use the advances that Silicon Valley has made, at great expense, and reproces them to get more cheaply to the same conclusion. Would there have been a Japanese car industry without Dearborn?

But surely the important thing is that DeepSeek takes us to where ChatGPT is, but in an open source context. This is vitally important in terms of the widespread use of the release.. This alsobegs another question: what is the business model of DeepSeek? As far as I can see, nobody knows. Yet since nobody does very much unintentionally in China, I must presume that somebody somewhere does know. Apart from Chinese altruism (yes, you did just read those two words in the same sentence) there may have been a desire  to spike US confidence at a moment of chronic rhetorical overstatement. Or, if you believe in the ability of TikTok to collect dangerous data on behalf of the Chinese state from US citizens, what would be the effect of prompting the greatest numerical download of software to US computers from a Chinese source ever?

Leaving aside the unanswered questions I’ve also found myself in the last 24 hours trying to create a balance sheet. The idea that a really effective open weights AI environment is available to the world’s scientist very cheaply must be a huge plus. I grant that it may not be found to be as effective as claimed, or as cheapto operate as claimed. But for many of us, there is a huge plus in deploying niche based sectorized AI using small learning models to automate definable process activity. For reasons of economic growth and productivity (ask the UK government) we want applications rolled out faster and cheaper, so that we can detect cancer before the human eye can see it on a scan, engineer our tax filings, sort out logistics and transport problems and solve the problems of a society where expectations surge while solutions creak.

For those who have been spending billions, including the US government, in funding the undeniably expensive business of leading edge AI development, this is a sobering moment. It appears that the lead time before the rest of the world re-engineers your solutions and catches up is about 2- 3 years. The days when you had a decade to exploit a technology breakthrough are over. Just as the speed of technology development is growing, so the speed of technology catch up is quickening.

The next bit is really scary. As Mr Trump calls for a speeding up of competitive responses, and removes entirely the very modest Biden administration safety rules on AI releases, there must surely be real fears that either the Chinese or the Americans will release prematurely a piece of unvalidated intelligent code which has a disastrous effect upon the world’s systems and services. Then we can really talk about recession. This is not about the 

deregulation: it is about the basic safety rules that secure society against self harm. A world that keeps on talking about national sovereignty as if we were in the 1890s ignores at its peril the digital revolution which since the late 1990s has interconnected all of us in a network configuration whose implications it seems we keep on trying to evade or avoid.

So for the ever anxious futurist  – people like me – there is some relief (I do not in fact agree with Donald Trump after all) and the sense that we must work to restore the focus once again. The arrival of DeepSeek is momentous, especially if it allows us to cheaper , smallscale research and applications enabling real advances that change peoples lives in a day-to-day sense. But perhaps it over shadows what should have been the subject we were all thinking about this week. The launch of Open AI Operator is the opening salvo of a new development war: it is a push into the agented world that many of us feel will be a hallmark of the next five years. Indeed, many of us will never touch AI in the sense of becoming users of DeepSeek or anything else. Perhaps for most of us change will come through the agents we use and the interactions that they make, and the intelligence that they display. If you are, like me, worried about AGI and unsafe systems and in your 80th year, then a stiff whiskey helps. If you want to think about the impact on society of AI in the next five years, then studying developments like Operator and Rabbit-R1  maybe more to the point.

keep looking »